Changing Image Size Inside Post

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  • #17861


    I want increase the sizes for images inside posts on my site. I would like to have images presented at the size they are uploaded at… Currently they are being reduced.

    So, I visited Settings > Media and adjusted the size for the medium and large images.
    How do I adjust the max size for the “original size” images?

    I haven’t found that changing any of the sizes (medium or large) has made any difference. The image in my post is still the same.

    The image I am uploading is 2000 x 3000 and it is showing up with a lot of white space on the left and right side. Shouldn’t this be filling up the post area? ( I know this is huge, but I wanted to see if making the image larger did anything. )

    Is there somewhere else that is setting the MAX SIZE of images in this theme?



    Bump. πŸ™‚


    I’m having this same issue. Anybody know how to increase image size inside posts?


    Not sure if this will help, but I had a similar problem. The Jetpack Plugin was resizing some of my images. Instead of pulling original images from my server it was pulling resized images from the Jetpack/Wordpress server. Might be your issue…

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