Full width header image problem 1.1.2

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  • #16457


    I’ve been using Pinboard 1.0.6 so far and implemented a full width header image above the navigation (see http://www.musoc.de) which is 1140px by 125 px.

    This worked perfectly so far hiding all the social icons and the title and placing the image without any margins using CSS (there was a tutorial on a different web site).

    Now I am getting white margins above and below the header image.

    So far it worked with the following CSS:

    #site-title {
    	margin: 0;
    	line-height: 0;
    	float: left;
    #site-description {
    	margin: 0;
    	display: none;
    	float: none;
    #social-media-icons {
    	display: none;
    	float: none;
    	margin-top: 0;
    #header input#s {
    	display: none;
    #header #searchform {
    	float: none;

    I tried messing around with CSS but can not get it to work. I’m always getting a white margin.

    How can this get solved?

    Thanks for assistance!


    Ok. Found the solution:

    #site-title img {
    	margin: 0;

    Took me quite a while. :-/

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