"Full Screen" setting doesn't persist

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  • #20525

    Hi guys. I’m experimenting with the Enlightenment theme.

    I go to a page. I see the “Page Design” meta box. From the dropdown menu I switch from the default ‘Boxed’ to ‘Full Screen’.

    I click ‘Update’ and the screen refreshses. After that point there is no visible change to the page. Going back to the Page screen, I see that ‘Boxed’ is still selected.

    It looks like the change is simply not being applied.

    Daniel Tara

    This usually happens when a plugins is tampering with user permissions.


    I got the same problem and deactivated all the plugins but the problems persits.

    Do you what can I do?

    Any help is appreciated.

    Daniel Tara

    The plugin probably saved the user permissions to database. See if the issue persists on a fresh installation of WordPress; if not then it is a user permission problem.


    Hey Daniel,

    I solved creating a new page. It seems to happen with my old pages.

    Thanks a lot for the support.
    It is a great template!!

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