logo automatically resized

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  • #18795


    first of all, thanks for your hard work. I really like your themes! πŸ™‚

    I don’t know if this is a bug or if I do something wrong. When I upload my logo, it’s automatically resized. I have set the correct dimensions in the “logo” settings. When I checked the image files I found out that always the smallest image size available is used as a logo. Now I suspect that there are some wp and theme funxtions colliding, but I cannot make heads or tails about it.

    The media settings (where I set the various image sizes) don’t allow images that small. Can you please help me?



    Daniel Tara

    There is a bug with the logo image’s dimensions that will be fixed in the next release. Thank you for your feedback.


    Hi Daniel,

    thanks for your reply. I realized it yesterday. The logo’s width was always the same as the intended heigth. πŸ˜‰ So instead of entering width x heigth I switched the values (and checked the crop logo option) just as you instructed in your blog post. πŸ˜‰ Now it works.

    Again – very nice theme!


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