Modified Slider to make top banner, but I have a question

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  • #17997

    Here’s my site:

    As you can see I’ve hollowed out the search form and moved the slider to the top of each page to serve as a banner.

    Here’s a question though. I’ve noticed that the banner will only scroll if it passes the query “is_front_page.” Front page banners scroll, sub-pages only get a static image.

    Leaving aside how I have positioned the slider on my particular site, would it be possible to modify the slider code so that it scrolls on EVERY page regardless of whether or not it is on the front page, and if so, how?


    Daniel Tara

    Open functions.php and for this code remove the if() endif; conditional:

    <?php if( ( is_home() && ! is_paged() ) || ( is_front_page() && ! is_home() ) || is_page_template( 'template-landing-page.php' ) ) : ?>
    		selector: '.slides > li',
    		video: true,
    		prevText: '←',
    		nextText: '→',
    		pausePlay: true,
    		pauseText: '||',
    		playText: '>',
    		before: function() {
    			$('#slider .entry-title').hide();
    		after: function() {
    			$('#slider .entry-title').fadeIn();
    <?php endif; ?>

    Hi Zach,

    I like how you did this. Is there a chance you can tell me how you did it?
    I’d like to incorporate it on a clients site that I’m working on. I like the header graphic with superimposed logo.
    I had initially planned on using Enlightenment for my new site, but I’m finding issues with being able to incorporate the branding, which is important for client sites.


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